Ms P. Munter


My treatment at Vermilion consisted of dental cleaning and consultations to help improve my brushing and interdental cleaning technique. My experience was brilliant, the specialists have been very friendly, accessible and informative. Their “bedside manner” is exemplary.

It is a brilliant, forward-looking practice, it has adopted many of the best practices familiar to me from the U.S. My dental hygiene has improved, largely thanks to Debbie McKenzie, the hygienist at Vermilion.

More patient stories

Mr J. Degnan

“I had a consultation appointment with Vermilion many years ago with which I was very pleased so I had trust in Vermilion to choose them again for implant surgery. From start to finish, my experience has been extremely positive.”

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Ms J. Westwater

“Excellent care was given at Vermilion, I was amazed at how ‘easy’ the process was. The health benefits are priceless and the quality of the denture is amazing.”

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Ms D. Wilson

“The staff were very professional, knowledgeable, caring and most importantly they listen to what you want. I now don’t have to worry about teeth falling out and have a confident smile. It was one hundred percent a great investment of time and money. If you are considering treatment, do not waste time – go for it as it is life changing.”

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