Periodontics, Part I (a): Building the foundations for optimal periodontal treatment outcomes

Location / Venue: 24 St John's Road
Guest Speakers: Dr Louise O'Dowd and Ms Michaela Zilinska
Start Date: 27 March 2023
CPD Hours: 1.5, from 18.30 - 20.00
Course Full

This course is now full, however if you are interested in attending please email our Events Coordinator, Alina at to be placed on our waiting list. 

Managing Periodontal Disease in Practice

Making sense of Staging; Steps and PMPR

Outline: The periodontal team at Vermilion will explore stepwise management of Periodontal Disease for patients in General Practice as advised by the BSP S3 guidance.

Structured over two years, this eight-part series will provide the tools for busy GDPs and hygienists to confidently diagnose, treat and identify when to refer patients for specialist care.  Each of the four steps outlined in the S3 guidance will be explored over a series of interactive study evenings which will include case-based discussion and hands on exercises.

Aims for Part 1 (a) and (b):

  1. Increase confidence using the 2017 Classification of Periodontitis system
  2. To explore the background and key concepts outlined in the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) S3 Level Clinical Practice Guidelines for Periodontology paper (2020) as interpreted by the British Society of Periodontology (BSP) for implementation in the UK (2021)
  3. To explore the stepwise approach to periodontal disease management as outlined in the BSP UK Clinical Practice Guidelines document (2021) focusing on step 1  
  4. Introduce the Healthy Gums do Matter (HGDM) toolkit (2019) and discuss how this can support high quality periodontal management in General Practice

This series combines theory and practical workshops: Part 1 (a) will outline theory and encourage group discussion, Part 1 (b) will include practical elements and a workshop.

All events in this series will run from 18.30 – 20.00 at our clinic on 24 St John’s Road, Corstorphine EH12 6Nz. 

Dates of related courses:

  • Perio, Part I (b) Practical | Monday 24 April 2023
  • Perio, Part II (a) Theory | Monday 11 September 2023
  • Perio, Part II (b) Practical | Monday 2 October 2023

This event has either finished or is full. Please contact us for more information.

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