CBCT Clinician Training Levels 1 & 2
We are delighted to offer dentists across Scotland the opportunity to acquire the GDC training requirements for the safe use of cone beam CT scanners, Clinician Training Levels 1 & 2. Dental and Maxillofacial Radiologist Dr Neil Heath will deliver the programme over three Fridays this Spring at Vermilion, 24 St John Rd, Edinburgh.
Dates: Fri 8 & 22 March, Fri 19 April
Time: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, lunch provided
Course fee: £800.00
This is a wonderful opportunity to undertake this vital CPD here in Scotland, delivered by an engaging speaker. Dr Heath’s programme has been verified by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow , Clinical Academies of Dentsply Sirona and Newcastle Hospitals Foundation Trust.
Dental Nurses can attend the second day (22 Mar) to attain the theorical element of Level 1. To be a full compliant Operator (button pusher) nurses will need specific practical training from the manufacturer of the CBCT machine in their own clinic.
Course fee for dental nurses: The fee for a dental nurse to attend Fri 22 March will be £100
To enrol in the course, kindly send us an email to events@vermilion.co.uk or use the register button below. Upon receipt, we’ll send you the necessary payment details required to complete your registration. Details of the program can be found below.
CBCT level2A ( 2 day) course synopsis – 8 & 22 March 2024:
This two day course offers an interactive, delegate centred, approach to learning. We deliver a CBCT imaging course to prepare the delegate to understand the theory behind the safe operation of CBCT. We offer an introduction to radiological reporting (IRMER Operator reporter Role) for small volume CBCT.
Delivery is based around current educational theories with focussed reflection and discussion. This format has been fine- tuned using delegate feedback since 2013.We aim to provide an engaging, non -threatening educational environment. Feedback has been very encouraging from a variety of clinicians from the high street, hospital and military settings.
The course is delivered by Dr Neil Heath a Consultant Dental & Maxillofacial Radiologist and former Hon Senior Clinical Lecturer at Newcastle Dental Hospital. He combines over 16 years NHS consultant experience, with a unique background in dentistry. He also has prior experience as a Medical Radiographer.
Radiological interpretation exercises utilising protocols to guide the viewing clinician, have proven very popular with delegates.
It is a generic course with images and key learning points generated from a number of CBCT scanner types. The software that the delegates learn to drive in the workshop is kindly provided by Dr David Offord’s practice. Vermilion uses Romexis from Planmeca.
The course builds from the first presentation so that the delegate is given a logical path through the material. This is punctuated by reflective sessions and workshop software inductions. We have found this prevents information `burn out` and maintains enthusiasm. Only enough Physics and Equipment science is taught to allow the delegate to make practical use of this data and know where to access further advice.
Understanding and how to reference relevant Radiation Regulation legislation is taught. The responsibilities around safe CBCT implementation and operation are thoroughly addressed.
Day 2 contains enough material to satisfy the theoretical element of level1 CBCT training. The practical element of Level 1 is manufacturer specific and will need to be conducted at delegate’s own clinic.
The delegate will have access to formal aims and objectives for this course. They can be hopeful of completing the course to give a confident informed approach to matters CBCT, and begin safe image reporting. A further 1 day CBCT 2B course can then be accessed after one month to consolidate learning and address any issues which arise after this event.
Synopsis CBCT level2B – 19 April 2024:
The Part2B CBCT day allows delegates to consolidate learning after a short time gap ,having taken the part2A element. The idea is to allow time for delegates to go back to their work places and try CBCT reporting.
The group will be encouraged to reflect with each other in a peer learning exercise based on the CBCT scans. Further tutorials on report writing will be offered, with delegate bringing in their own lap tops to facilitate this exercise.
In addition- teaching on the imaging presentation of Bone diseases, that present in the head and neck, will be covered over the course of the day. An holistic look at why Reporting may be Biased or be suboptimal( due to Human Factors errors) is addressed as the final presentation.
This day will be a great opportunity to ask questions – raise concerns and have further workshop and didactic teaching. This has proven very popular as consolidation day after the 2A course and as an annual refresher course for delegates who want to keep up to date thereafter.
Please get in touch if you have any questions.